Source code for pywps.tests

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #

import lxml.etree
from werkzeug.test import Client
from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseResponse
from pywps import __version__
from pywps import Process
from pywps.inout import LiteralInput, LiteralOutput, ComplexInput, ComplexOutput, BoundingBoxInput, BoundingBoxOutput
from pywps.inout import Format
from import Metadata

import re

import logging


[docs]class DocExampleProcess(Process): """This first line is going to be skipped by the :skiplines:1 option. Notes ----- This is additional documentation that can be added following the Numpy docstring convention. """ def __init__(self): inputs = [LiteralInput('literal_input', "Literal input title", 'integer', "Literal input value abstract.", min_occurs=0, max_occurs=1, uoms=['meters', 'feet'], default=1), LiteralInput('date_input', 'The title is shown when no abstract is provided.', 'date', allowed_values=['2000-01-01', '2018-01-01']), ComplexInput('complex_input', 'Complex input title', [Format('application/json'), Format('application/x-netcdf')], abstract="Complex input abstract.", ), BoundingBoxInput('bb_input', 'BoundingBox input title', ['EPSG:4326', ], metadata=[Metadata('', ''), ]), ] outputs = [LiteralOutput('literal_output', 'Literal output title', 'boolean', 'Boolean output abstract.',), ComplexOutput('complex_output', 'Complex output', [Format('text/plain'), ], ), BoundingBoxOutput('bb_output', 'BoundingBox output title', ['EPSG:4326', ])] super(DocExampleProcess, self).__init__( self._handler, identifier='doc_example_process_identifier', title="Process title", abstract="Multiline process abstract.", version="4.0", metadata=[Metadata('PyWPS docs', ''), Metadata('NumPy docstring conventions', '')], inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, ) def _handler(self, request, response): pass
class WpsClient(Client): def post_xml(self, *args, **kwargs): doc = kwargs.pop('doc') data = lxml.etree.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True) kwargs['data'] = data return*args, **kwargs) class WpsTestResponse(BaseResponse): def __init__(self, *args): super(WpsTestResponse, self).__init__(*args) if re.match(r'text/xml(;\s*charset=.*)?', self.headers.get('Content-Type')): self.xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(self.get_data()) def xpath(self, path): version = self.xml.attrib["version"] if version == "2.0.0": from pywps import namespaces200 namespaces = namespaces200 else: from pywps import namespaces100 namespaces = namespaces100 return self.xml.xpath(path, namespaces=namespaces) def xpath_text(self, path): return ' '.join(e.text for e in self.xpath(path)) def client_for(service): return WpsClient(service, WpsTestResponse) def assert_response_accepted(resp): assert resp.status_code == 200 assert re.match(r'text/xml(;\s*charset=.*)?', resp.headers['Content-Type']) success = resp.xpath_text('/wps:ExecuteResponse' '/wps:Status' '/wps:ProcessAccepted') assert success is not None # TODO: assert status URL is present def assert_process_started(resp): assert resp.status_code == 200 assert re.match(r'text/xml(;\s*charset=.*)?', resp.headers['Content-Type']) success = resp.xpath_text('/wps:ExecuteResponse' '/wps:Status' 'ProcessStarted') # Is it still like this in PyWPS-4 ? assert success.split[0] == "processstarted" def assert_response_success(resp): assert resp.status_code == 200 assert re.match(r'text/xml(;\s*charset=.*)?', resp.headers['Content-Type']) success = resp.xpath('/wps:ExecuteResponse/wps:Status/wps:ProcessSucceeded') assert len(success) == 1 def assert_process_exception(resp, code=None): assert resp.status_code == 400 assert re.match(r'text/xml(;\s*charset=.*)?', resp.headers['Content-Type']) elem = resp.xpath('/ows:ExceptionReport' '/ows:Exception') assert elem[0].attrib['exceptionCode'] == code def assert_pywps_version(resp): # get first child of root element root_firstchild = resp.xpath('/*')[0].getprevious() assert isinstance(root_firstchild, lxml.etree._Comment) tokens = root_firstchild.text.split() assert len(tokens) == 2 assert tokens[0] == 'PyWPS' assert tokens[1] == __version__ def assert_wps_version(response, version="1.0.0"): elem = response.xpath('/wps:Capabilities' '/ows:ServiceIdentification' '/ows:ServiceTypeVersion') found_version = elem[0].text assert version == found_version with open("/tmp/out.xml", "wb") as out: out.writelines(response.response)