Source code for pywps.inout.formats

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #

"""List of know mimetypes"""

# List of known complex data formats
# you can use any other, but these are widely known and supported by popular
# software packages
# based on Web Processing Service Best Practices Discussion Paper, OGC 12-029

from collections import namedtuple
import mimetypes
from pywps.validator.mode import MODE
from pywps.validator.base import emptyvalidator

                                 'WCS, WCS100, WCS110, WCS20, WFS, WFS100,'
                                 'WFS110, WFS20, WMS, WMS130, WMS110,'
                                 'WMS100, TEXT, DODS, NETCDF, LAZ, LAS')

[docs]class Format(object): """Input/output format specification Predefined Formats are stored in :class:`pywps.inout.formats.FORMATS` :param str mime_type: mimetype definition :param str schema: xml schema definition :param str encoding: base64 or not :param function validate: function, which will perform validation. e.g. :param number mode: validation mode :param str extension: file extension """ def __init__(self, mime_type, schema=None, encoding=None, validate=emptyvalidator, mode=MODE.SIMPLE, extension=None): """Constructor """ self._mime_type = None self._encoding = None self._schema = None self._extension = None self.mime_type = mime_type self.encoding = encoding self.schema = schema self.validate = validate self.extension = extension @property def mime_type(self): """Get format mime type :rtype: String """ return self._mime_type @mime_type.setter def mime_type(self, mime_type): """Set format mime type """ try: # support Format('GML') frmt = getattr(FORMATS, mime_type) self._mime_type = frmt.mime_type except AttributeError: # if we don't have this as a shortcut, assume it's a real mime type self._mime_type = mime_type except NameError: # TODO: on init of FORMATS, FORMATS is not available. Clean up code! self._mime_type = mime_type @property def encoding(self): """Get format encoding :rtype: String """ if self._encoding: return self._encoding else: return '' @encoding.setter def encoding(self, encoding): """Set format encoding """ self._encoding = encoding @property def schema(self): """Get format schema :rtype: String """ if self._schema: return self._schema else: return '' @schema.setter def schema(self, schema): """Set format schema """ self._schema = schema @property def extension(self): """Get format extension :rtype: String """ if self._extension: return self._extension else: return '' @extension.setter def extension(self, extension): """Set format extension """ self._extension = extension def same_as(self, frmt): """Check input frmt, if it seems to be the same as self """ return all([frmt.mime_type == self.mime_type, frmt.encoding == self.encoding, frmt.schema == self.schema]) @property def json(self): """Get format as json :rtype: dict """ return { 'mime_type': self.mime_type, 'encoding': self.encoding, 'schema': self.schema, 'extension': self.extension } @json.setter def json(self, jsonin): """Set format from json :param jsonin: """ self.mime_type = jsonin['mime_type'] self.encoding = jsonin['encoding'] self.schema = jsonin['schema'] self.extension = jsonin['extension']
FORMATS = _FORMATS( Format('application/vnd.geo+json', extension='.geojson'), Format('application/json', extension='.json'), Format('application/x-zipped-shp', extension='.zip'), Format('application/gml+xml', extension='.gml'), Format('application/', extension='.kml'), Format('application/', extension='.kmz'), Format('image/tiff; subtype=geotiff', extension='.tiff'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=1.0.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=1.1.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=2.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=1.0.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=1.1.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=2.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.3.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.1.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.0.0', extension='.xml'), Format('text/plain', extension='.txt'), Format('application/x-ogc-dods', extension='.nc'), Format('application/x-netcdf', extension='.nc', encoding='base64'), Format('application/octet-stream', extension='.laz'), Format('application/octet-stream', extension='.las'), ) def _get_mimetypes(): """Add FORMATS to system wide mimetypes """ mimetypes.init() for pywps_format in FORMATS: mimetypes.add_type(pywps_format.mime_type, pywps_format.extension, True) _get_mimetypes() def get_format(frmt, validator=None): """Return Format instance based on given pywps.inout.FORMATS keyword """ # TODO this should be probably removed, it's used only in tests outfrmt = None if frmt in FORMATS._asdict(): outfrmt = FORMATS._asdict()[frmt] outfrmt.validate = validator return outfrmt else: return Format('None', validate=validator)