Source code for pywps.inout.inputs

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #

import lxml.etree as etree
import six
from pywps import configuration
from pywps.inout import basic
from copy import deepcopy
from pywps.validator.mode import MODE
from pywps.inout.literaltypes import AnyValue

[docs]class BoundingBoxInput(basic.BBoxInput): """ :param string identifier: The name of this input. :param string title: Human readable title :param string abstract: Longer text description :param crss: List of supported coordinate reference system (e.g. ['EPSG:4326']) :param list keywords: Keywords that characterize this input. :param int dimensions: 2 or 3 :param list metadata: TODO :param int min_occurs: how many times this input occurs :param int max_occurs: how many times this input occurs :param metadata: List of metadata advertised by this process. They should be :class:`` objects. """ def __init__(self, identifier, title, crss, abstract='', keywords=[], dimensions=2, metadata=[], min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, mode=MODE.NONE, default=None, default_type=basic.SOURCE_TYPE.DATA): basic.BBoxInput.__init__(self, identifier, title=title, crss=crss, abstract=abstract, keywords=keywords, dimensions=dimensions, metadata=metadata, min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs, mode=mode, default=default, default_type=default_type) self.as_reference = False def clone(self): """Create copy of yourself """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs]class ComplexInput(basic.ComplexInput): """ Complex data input :param str identifier: The name of this input. :param str title: Title of the input :param pywps.inout.formats.Format supported_formats: List of supported formats :param pywps.inout.formats.Format data_format: default data format :param str abstract: Input abstract :param list keywords: Keywords that characterize this input. :param list metadata: TODO :param int min_occurs: minimum occurrence :param int max_occurs: maximum occurrence :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: validation mode (none to strict) """ def __init__(self, identifier, title, supported_formats, data_format=None, abstract='', keywords=[], metadata=[], min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, mode=MODE.NONE, default=None, default_type=basic.SOURCE_TYPE.DATA): """constructor""" basic.ComplexInput.__init__(self, identifier, title=title, supported_formats=supported_formats, data_format=data_format, abstract=abstract, keywords=keywords, metadata=metadata, min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs, mode=mode, default=default, default_type=default_type) self.as_reference = False self.method = '' self.max_size = int(0) @property def json(self): """Get JSON representation of the input """ data = { 'identifier': self.identifier, 'title': self.title, 'abstract': self.abstract, 'keywords': self.keywords, 'type': 'complex', 'data_format': self.data_format.json, 'asreference': self.as_reference, 'supported_formats': [frmt.json for frmt in self.supported_formats], 'file': self.file if self.prop == 'file' else None, 'workdir': self.workdir, 'mode': self.valid_mode, 'min_occurs': self.min_occurs, 'max_occurs': self.max_occurs } if self.as_reference: data = self._json_reference(data) else: data = self._json_data(data) if self.data_format: if self.data_format.mime_type: data['mimetype'] = self.data_format.mime_type if self.data_format.encoding: data['encoding'] = self.data_format.encoding if self.data_format.schema: data['schema'] = self.data_format.schema return data def _json_reference(self, data): """Return Reference node """ data["type"] = "reference" data["href"] = self.url return data def _json_data(self, data): """Return Data node """ data["type"] = "complex" try: data_doc = etree.parse(self.file) data["data"] = etree.tostring(data_doc, pretty_print=True).decode("utf-8") except Exception: if if isinstance(, six.string_types): if isinstance(, bytes): data["data"] ="utf-8") else: data["data"] = else: data["data"] = etree.tostring(etree.CDATA(self.base64)) return data def calculate_max_input_size(self): """Calculates maximal size for input file based on configuration and units :return: maximum file size bytes """ max_size = configuration.get_config_value( 'server', 'maxsingleinputsize') self.max_size = configuration.get_size_mb(max_size) def clone(self): """Create copy of yourself """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs]class LiteralInput(basic.LiteralInput): """ :param str identifier: The name of this input. :param str title: Title of the input :param pywps.inout.literaltypes.LITERAL_DATA_TYPES data_type: data type :param str abstract: Input abstract :param list keywords: Keywords that characterize this input. :param list metadata: TODO :param str uoms: units :param int min_occurs: minimum occurence :param int max_occurs: maximum occurence :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: validation mode (none to strict) :param pywps.inout.literaltypes.AnyValue allowed_values: or :py:class:`pywps.inout.literaltypes.AllowedValue` object :param metadata: List of metadata advertised by this process. They should be :class:`` objects. """ def __init__(self, identifier, title, data_type='integer', abstract='', keywords=[], metadata=[], uoms=None, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, mode=MODE.SIMPLE, allowed_values=AnyValue, default=None, default_type=basic.SOURCE_TYPE.DATA): """Constructor """ basic.LiteralInput.__init__(self, identifier, title=title, data_type=data_type, abstract=abstract, keywords=keywords, metadata=metadata, uoms=uoms, min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs, mode=mode, allowed_values=allowed_values, default=default, default_type=default_type) self.as_reference = False def clone(self): """Create copy of yourself """ return deepcopy(self)