.. currentmodule:: pywps .. _process: Processes ######### .. versionadded:: 4.0.0 .. todo:: * Input validation * IOHandler PyWPS works with processes and services. A process is a Python `Class` containing an `handler` method and a list of inputs and outputs. A PyWPS service instance is then a collection of selected processes. PyWPS does not ship with any processes predefined - it's on you, as user of PyWPS to set up the processes of your choice. PyWPS is here to help you publishing your awesome geospatial operation on the web - it takes care of communication and security, you then have to add the content. .. note:: There are some example processes in the `PyWPS-Flask`_ project. Writing a Process ================= .. note:: At this place, you should prepare your environment for final :ref:`deployment`. At least, you should create a single directory with your processes, which is typically named `processes`:: $ mkdir processes In this directory, we will create single python scripts containing processes. Processes can be located *anywhere in the system* as long as their location is identified in the :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` environment variable, and can be imported in the final server instance. A processes is coded as a class inheriting from :class:`Process`. In the `PyWPS-Flask`_ server they are kept inside the *processes* folder, usually in separated files. The instance of a *Process* needs following attributes to be configured: :identifier: unique identifier of the process :title: corresponding title :inputs: list of process inputs :outputs: list of process outputs :handler: method which recieves :class:`pywps.app.WPSRequest` and :class:`pywps.response.WPSResponse` as inputs. Example vector buffer process ============================= As an example, we will create a *buffer* process - which will take a vector file as the input, create specified the buffer around the data (using `Shapely `_), and return back the result. Therefore, the process will have two inputs: * `ComplexData` input - the vector file * `LiteralData` input - the buffer size And it will have one output: * `ComplexData` output - the final buffer The process can be called `demobuffer` and we can now start coding it:: $ cd processes $ $EDITOR demobuffer.py At the beginning, we have to import the required classes and modules Here is a very basic example: .. literalinclude:: demobuffer.py :language: python :lines: 28-31 :linenos: :lineno-start: 28 As the next step, we define a list of inputs. The first input is :class:`pywps.ComplexInput` with the identifier `vector`, title `Vector map` and there is only one allowed format: GML. The next input is :class:`pywps.LiteralInput`, with the identifier `size` and the data type set to `float`: .. literalinclude:: demobuffer.py :language: python :lines: 33-40 :linenos: :lineno-start: 33 Next we define the output `output` as :class:`pywps.ComplexOutput`. This output supports GML format only. .. literalinclude:: demobuffer.py :language: python :lines: 42-46 :linenos: :lineno-start: 42 Next we create a new list variables for inputs and outputs. .. literalinclude:: demobuffer.py :language: python :lines: 48-49 :linenos: :lineno-start: 48 Next we define the *handler* method. In it, *geospatial analysis may happen*. The method gets a :class:`pywps.app.WPSRequest` and a :class:`pywps.response.WPSResponse` object as parameters. In our case, we calculate the buffer around each vector feature using `GDAL/OGR library `_. We will not got much into the details, what you should note is how to get input data from the :class:`pywps.app.WPSRequest` object and how to set data as outputs in the :class:`pywps.response.WPSResponse` object. .. literalinclude:: demobuffer.py :language: python :pyobject: _handler :emphasize-lines: 8-12, 50-54 :linenos: :lineno-start: 68 At the end, we put everything together and create new a `DemoBuffer` class with handler, inputs and outputs. It's based on :class:`pywps.Process`: .. literalinclude:: demobuffer.py :pyobject: DemoBuffer :language: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 51 Declaring inputs and outputs ============================ Clients need to know which inputs the processes expects. They can be declared as :class:`pywps.Input` objects in the :class:`Process` class declaration: .. code-block:: python from pywps import Process, LiteralInput, LiteralOutput class FooProcess(Process): def __init__(self): inputs = [ LiteralInput('foo', data_type='string'), ComplexInput('bar', [Format('text/xml')]) ] outputs = [ LiteralOutput('foo_output', data_type='string'), ComplexOutput('bar_output', [Format('JSON')]) ] super(FooProcess, self).__init__( ... inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs ) ... .. note:: A more generic description can be found in :ref:`wps` chapter. LiteralData ----------- * :class:`LiteralInput` * :class:`LiteralOutput` A simple value embedded in the request. The first argument is a name. The second argument is the type, one of `string`, `float`, `integer` or `boolean`. ComplexData ----------- * :class:`ComplexInput` * :class:`ComplexOutput` A large data object, for example a layer. ComplexData do have a `format` attribute as one of their key properties. It's either a list of supported formats or a single (already selected) format. It shall be an instance of the :class:`pywps.inout.formats.Format` class. ComplexData :class:`Format` and input validation ------------------------------------------------ The ComplexData needs as one of its parameters a list of supported data formats. They are derived from the :class:`Format` class. A :class:`Format` instance needs, among others, a `mime_type` parameter, a `validate` method -- which is used for input data validation -- and also a `mode` parameter -- defining how strict the validation should be (see :class:`pywps.validator.mode.MODE`). The `Validate` method is up to you, the user, to code. It requires two input paramers - `data_input` (a :class:`ComplexInput` object), and `mode`. This methid must return a `boolean` value indicating whether the input data are considered valid or not for given `mode`. You can draw inspiration from the :py:func:`pywps.validator.complexvalidator.validategml` method. The good news is: there are already predefined validation methods for the ESRI Shapefile, GML and GeoJSON formats, using GDAL/OGR. There is also an XML Schema validaton and a JSON schema validator - you just have to pick the propper supported formats from the :class:`pywps.inout.formats.FORMATS` list and set the validation mode to your :class:`ComplexInput` object. Even better news is: you can define custom validation functions and validate input data according to your needs. BoundingBoxData --------------- * :class:`BoundingBoxInput` * :class:`BoundingBoxOutput` BoundingBoxData contain information about the bounding box of the desired area and coordinate reference system. Interesting attributes of the BoundingBoxData are: `crs` current coordinate reference system `dimensions` number of dimensions `ll` pair of coordinates (or triplet) of the lower-left corner `ur` pair of coordinates (or triplet) of the upper-right corner Accessing the inputs and outputs in the `handler` method ======================================================== Handlers receive as input argument a :class:`WPSRequest` object. Input values are found in the `inputs` dictionary:: @staticmethod def _handler(request, response): name = request.inputs['name'][0].data response.outputs['output'].data = 'Hello world %s!' % name return response `inputs` is a plain Python dictionary. Most of the inputs and outputs are derived from the :class:`IOHandler` class. This enables the user to access the data in four different ways: `input.file` Returns a file name - you can access the data using the name of the file stored on the hard drive. `input.url` Return a link to the resource using either the ``file://`` or ``http://`` scheme. The target of the url is not downloaded to the PyWPS server until its content is explicitly accessed through either one of the ``file``, ``data`` or ``stream`` attributes. `input.data` Is the direct link to the data themselves. No need to create a file object on the hard drive or opening the file and closing it - PyWPS will do everything for you. `input.stream` Provides the IOStream of the data. No need for opening the file, you just have to `read()` the data. Because there could be multiple input values with the same identifier, the inputs are accessed with an index. For example:: request.inputs['file_input'][0].file request.inputs['data_input'][0].data request.inputs['stream_input'][0].stream url_input = request.inputs['url_input'][0] As mentioned, if an input is a link to a remote file (an ``http`` address), accessing the ``url`` attribute simply returns the url's string, but accessing any other attribute triggers the file's download:: url_input.url # returns the link as a string (no download) url_input.file # downloads target and returns the local path url_input.data # returns the content of the local copy PyWPS will persistently transform the input (and output) data to the desired form. You can also set the data for your `Output` object like `output.data = 1` or `output.file = "myfile.json"` - it works the same way. However, once the source type is set, it cannot be changed. That is, a `ComplexOutput` whose ``data`` attribute has been set once has read-only access to the three other attributes (``file``, ``stream`` and ``url``), while the ``data`` attribute can be freely modified. Progress and status report ========================== OGC WPS standard enables asynchronous process execution call, that is in particular useful, when the process execution takes longer time - process instance is set to background and WPS Execute Response document with `ProcessAccepted` messag is returned immediately to the client. The client has to check `statusLocation` URL, where the current status report is deployed, say every n-seconds or n-minutes (depends on calculation time). Content of the response is usually `percentDone` information about the progress along with `statusMessage` text information, what is currently happening. You can set process status any time in the `handler` using the :py:func:`WPSResponse.update_status` function. Returning large data ==================== WPS allows for a clever method of returning a large data file: instead of embedding the data in the response, it can be saved separately, and a URL is returned from where the data can be downloaded. In the current implementation, PyWPS saves the file in a folder specified in the configuration passed by the service (or in a default location). The URL returned is embedded in the XML response. This behaviour can be requested either by using a GET:: ...ResponseDocument=output=@asReference=true... Or a POST request:: ... output Some Output ... **output** is the identifier of the output the user wishes to have stored and accessible from a URL. The user may request as many outputs by reference as needed, but only *one* may be requested in RAW format. Process deployment ================== In order for clients to invoke processes, a PyWPS :class:`Service` class must be present with the ability to listen for requests. An instance of this class must created, receiving instances of all the desired processes classes. In the *flask* example service the :class:`Service` class instance is created in the :class:`Server` class. :class:`Server` is a development server that relies on `Flask`_. The publication of processes is encapsulated in *demo.py*, where a main method passes a list of processes instances to the :class:`Server` class:: from pywps import Service from processes.helloworld import HelloWorld from processes.demobuffer import DemoBuffer ... processes = [ DemoBuffer(), ... ] server = Server(processes=processes) ... Running the dev server ====================== The :ref:`flask` server is a `WSGI application`_ that accepts incoming `Execute` requests and calls the appropriate process to handle them. It also answers `GetCapabilities` and `DescribeProcess` requests based on the process identifier and their inputs and outputs. .. _WSGI application: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/terms/#wsgi A host, a port, a config file and the processes can be passed as arguments to the :class:`Server` constructor. **host** and **port** will be **prioritised** if passed to the constructor, otherwise the contents of the config file (`pywps.cfg`) are used. Use the `run` method to start the server:: ... s = Server(host='localhost', processes=processes, config_file=config_file) s.run() ... To make the server visible from another computer, replace ``localhost`` with ````. Automated process documentation =============================== A :class:`Process` can be automatically documented with `Sphinx`_ using the `autoprocess` directive. The :class:`Process` object is instantiated and its content examined to create, behind the scenes, a docstring in the Numpy format. This lets developers embed the documentation directly in the code instead of having to describe each process manually. For example:: .. autoprocess:: pywps.tests.DocExampleProcess :docstring: :skiplines: 1 would yield .. autoprocess:: pywps.tests.DocExampleProcess :docstring: :skiplines: 1 The :option:`docstring` option fetches the :class:`Process` docstring and appends it after the Reference section. The first lines of this docstring can be skipped using the :option:`skiplines` option. To use the `autoprocess` directive, first add `'sphinx.ext.napoleon'` and `'pywps.ext_autodoc'` to the list of extensions in the Sphinx configuration file :file:`conf.py`. Then, insert `autoprocess` directives in your documentation source files, just as you would use an `autoclass` directive, and build the documentation. Note that for input and output parameters, the `title` is displayed only if no `abstract` is defined. In other words, if both `title` and `abstract` are given, only the `abstract` will be included in the documentation to avoid redundancy. .. _Flask: http://flask.pocoo.org .. _PyWPS-Flask: http://github.com/geopython/pywps-flask .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org