Source code for pywps.validator.complexvalidator

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #

"""Validator classes are used for ComplexInputs, to validate the content

import logging

from pywps.validator.mode import MODE
from pywps.inout.formats import FORMATS
from urllib.request import urlopen
import mimetypes
import os

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('PYWPS')

[docs]def validategml(data_input, mode): """GML validation function :param data_input: :class:`ComplexInput` :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: This function validates GML input based on given validation mode. Following happens, if `mode` parameter is given: `MODE.NONE` it will return always `True` `MODE.SIMPLE` the mimetype will be checked `MODE.STRICT` `GDAL/OGR <>`_ is used for getting the proper format. `MODE.VERYSTRICT` the :class:`lxml.etree` is used along with given input `schema` and the GML file is properly validated against given schema. """'validating GML; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.GML.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: from pywps.dependencies import ogr data_source = ogr.Open(data_input.file) if data_source: passed = (data_source.GetDriver().GetName() == "GML") else: passed = False if mode >= MODE.VERYSTRICT: from lxml import etree try: schema_url = data_input.data_format.schema gmlschema_doc = etree.parse(urlopen(schema_url)) gmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(gmlschema_doc) passed = gmlschema.validate(etree.parse( except Exception as e: LOGGER.warning(e) passed = False return passed
def validategpx(data_input, mode): """GPX validation function :param data_input: :class:`ComplexInput` :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: This function validates GPX input based on given validation mode. Following happens, if `mode` parameter is given: `MODE.NONE` it will return always `True` `MODE.SIMPLE` the mimetype will be checked `MODE.STRICT` `GDAL/OGR <>`_ is used for getting the proper format. `MODE.VERYSTRICT` the :class:`lxml.etree` is used along with given input `schema` and the GPX file is properly validated against given schema. """'validating GPX; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.GPX.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: from pywps.dependencies import ogr data_source = ogr.Open(data_input.file) if data_source: passed = (data_source.GetDriver().GetName() == "GPX") else: passed = False if mode >= MODE.VERYSTRICT: from lxml import etree try: schema_url = data_input.data_format.schema gpxschema_doc = etree.parse(urlopen(schema_url)) gpxschema = etree.XMLSchema(gpxschema_doc) passed = gpxschema.validate(etree.parse( except Exception as e: LOGGER.warning(e) passed = False return passed def validatexml(data_input, mode): """XML validation function :param data_input: :class:`ComplexInput` :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: This function validates XML input based on given validation mode. Following happens, if `mode` parameter is given: `MODE.NONE` it will return always `True` `MODE.SIMPLE` the mimetype will be checked `MODE.STRICT` and `MODE.VERYSTRICT` the :class:`lxml.etree` is used along with given input `schema` and the XML file is properly validated against given schema. """'validating XML; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.GML.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: from lxml import etree # TODO: Raise the actual validation exception to make it easier to spot the error. # xml = etree.parse(data_input.file) # schema.assertValid(xml) try: fn = os.path.join(_get_schemas_home(), data_input.data_format.schema) schema_doc = etree.parse(fn) schema = etree.XMLSchema(schema_doc) passed = schema.validate(etree.parse(data_input.file)) except Exception as e: LOGGER.warning(e) passed = False return passed def validatejson(data_input, mode): """JSON validation function :param data_input: :class:`ComplexInput` :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: This function validates JSON input based on given validation mode. Following happens, if `mode` parameter is given: `MODE.NONE` No validation, returns `True`. `MODE.SIMPLE` Returns `True` if the mime type is correct. `MODE.STRICT` Returns `True` if the content can be interpreted as a json object. """'validating JSON; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.JSON.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: import json try: with open(data_input.file) as f: json.load(f) passed = True except ValueError: passed = False return passed def validategeojson(data_input, mode): """GeoJSON validation example >>> import StringIO >>> class FakeInput(object): ... json = open('point.geojson','w') ... json.write('''{"type":"Feature", "properties":{}, "geometry":{"type":"Point", "coordinates":[8.5781228542328, 22.87500500679]}, "crs":{"type":"name", "properties":{"name":"urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"}}}''') # noqa ... json.close() ... file = 'point.geojson' >>> class fake_data_format(object): ... mimetype = 'application/geojson' >>> fake_input = FakeInput() >>> fake_input.data_format = fake_data_format() >>> validategeojson(fake_input, MODE.SIMPLE) True """'validating GeoJSON; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.GEOJSON.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: from pywps.dependencies import ogr data_source = ogr.Open(data_input.file) if data_source: passed = (data_source.GetDriver().GetName() == "GeoJSON") else: passed = False if mode >= MODE.VERYSTRICT: import jsonschema import json # this code comes from # schema_home = os.path.join(_get_schemas_home(), "geojson") base_schema = os.path.join(schema_home, "geojson.json") with open(base_schema) as fh: geojson_base = json.load(fh) with open(os.path.join(schema_home, "crs.json")) as fh: crs_json = json.load(fh) with open(os.path.join(schema_home, "bbox.json")) as fh: bbox_json = json.load(fh) with open(os.path.join(schema_home, "geometry.json")) as fh: geometry_json = json.load(fh) cached_json = { "": crs_json, "": bbox_json, "": geometry_json } resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver( "", geojson_base, store=cached_json) validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(geojson_base, resolver=resolver) try: validator.validate(json.loads( passed = True except jsonschema.ValidationError: passed = False return passed def validateshapefile(data_input, mode): """ESRI Shapefile validation example """'validating Shapefile; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.SHP.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: from pywps.dependencies import ogr import zipfile z = zipfile.ZipFile(data_input.file) shape_name = None for name in z.namelist(): z.extract(name, data_input.tempdir) if os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower() == '.shp': shape_name = name if shape_name: data_source = ogr.Open(os.path.join(data_input.tempdir, shape_name)) if data_source: passed = (data_source.GetDriver().GetName() == "ESRI Shapefile") else: passed = False return passed def validategeotiff(data_input, mode): """GeoTIFF validation example """'Validating Shapefile; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.GEOTIFF.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: try: from pywps.dependencies import gdal data_source = gdal.Open(data_input.file) passed = (data_source.GetDriver().ShortName == "GTiff") except ImportError: passed = False return passed def validatenetcdf(data_input, mode): """netCDF validation. """'Validating netCDF; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.file (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.NETCDF.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: try: from pywps.dependencies import netCDF4 as nc nc.Dataset(data_input.file) passed = True except ImportError as e: passed = False LOGGER.exception("ImportError while validating netCDF4 file {}:\n {}".format(data_input.file, e)) except IOError as e: passed = False LOGGER.exception("IOError while validating netCDF4 file {}:\n {}".format(data_input.file, e)) return passed def validatedods(data_input, mode): """OPeNDAP validation. """'Validating OPeNDAP; Mode: {}'.format(mode)) passed = False if mode >= MODE.NONE: passed = True if mode >= MODE.SIMPLE: name = data_input.url (mtype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(name, strict=False) passed = data_input.data_format.mime_type in {mtype, FORMATS.DODS.mime_type} if mode >= MODE.STRICT: try: from pywps.dependencies import netCDF4 as nc nc.Dataset(data_input.url) passed = True except ImportError as e: passed = False LOGGER.exception("ImportError while validating OPeNDAP link {}:\n {}".format(data_input.url, e)) except IOError as e: passed = False LOGGER.exception("IOError while validating OPeNDAP link {}:\n {}".format(data_input.url, e)) return passed def _get_schemas_home(): """Get path to schemas directory """ schema_dir = os.path.join( os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) ), os.path.pardir, "schemas") LOGGER.debug('Schemas directory: {}'.format(schema_dir)) return schema_dir