Source code for

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #

import logging
import os
from pywps.translations import lower_case_dict
import sys
import traceback
import json
import shutil

from pywps import dblog
from pywps.response import get_response
from pywps.response.status import WPS_STATUS
from pywps.response.execute import ExecuteResponse
from import WPSRequest
from pywps.inout.inputs import input_from_json
from pywps.inout.outputs import output_from_json
import pywps.configuration as config
from pywps._compat import PY2
from pywps.exceptions import (StorageNotSupported, OperationNotSupported,
                              ServerBusy, NoApplicableCode)
from import ProcessError
from import StorageBuilder
import importlib

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("PYWPS")

[docs]class Process(object): """ :param handler: A callable that gets invoked for each incoming request. It should accept a single :class:`` argument and return a :class:`` object. :param string identifier: Name of this process. :param string title: Human readable title of process. :param string abstract: Brief narrative description of the process. :param list keywords: Keywords that characterize a process. :param inputs: List of inputs accepted by this process. They should be :class:`~LiteralInput` and :class:`~ComplexInput` and :class:`~BoundingBoxInput` objects. :param outputs: List of outputs returned by this process. They should be :class:`~LiteralOutput` and :class:`~ComplexOutput` and :class:`~BoundingBoxOutput` objects. :param metadata: List of metadata advertised by this process. They should be :class:`` objects. :param dict[str,dict[str,str]] translations: The first key is the RFC 4646 language code, and the nested mapping contains translated strings accessible by a string property. e.g. {"fr-CA": {"title": "Mon titre", "abstract": "Une description"}} """ def __init__(self, handler, identifier, title, abstract='', keywords=[], profile=[], metadata=[], inputs=[], outputs=[], version='None', store_supported=False, status_supported=False, grass_location=None, translations=None): self.identifier = identifier self.handler = handler self.title = title self.abstract = abstract self.keywords = keywords self.metadata = metadata self.profile = profile self.version = version self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs self.uuid = None self.status_store = None # self.status_location = '' # self.status_url = '' self.workdir = None self._grass_mapset = None self.grass_location = grass_location self.service = None self.translations = lower_case_dict(translations) if store_supported: self.store_supported = 'true' else: self.store_supported = 'false' if status_supported: self.status_supported = 'true' else: self.status_supported = 'false' @property def json(self): return { 'class': '{}:{}'.format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__), 'uuid': str(self.uuid), 'workdir': self.workdir, 'version': self.version, 'identifier': self.identifier, 'title': self.title, 'abstract': self.abstract, 'keywords': self.keywords, 'metadata': [m.json for m in self.metadata], 'inputs': [i.json for i in self.inputs], 'outputs': [o.json for o in self.outputs], 'store_supported': self.store_supported, 'status_supported': self.status_supported, 'profile': [p for p in self.profile], 'translations': self.translations, } @classmethod def from_json(cls, value): """init this process from json back again :param value: the json (not string) representation """ module, classname = value['class'].split(':') # instantiate subclass of Process new_process = getattr(importlib.import_module(module), classname)() new_process._set_uuid(value['uuid']) new_process.set_workdir(value['workdir']) return new_process def execute(self, wps_request, uuid): self._set_uuid(uuid) self._setup_status_storage() self.async_ = False response_cls = get_response("execute") wps_response = response_cls(wps_request, process=self, uuid=self.uuid) LOGGER.debug('Check if status storage and updating are supported by this process') if wps_request.store_execute == 'true': if self.store_supported != 'true': raise StorageNotSupported('Process does not support the storing of the execute response') if wps_request.status == 'true': if self.status_supported != 'true': raise OperationNotSupported('Process does not support the updating of status') wps_response.store_status_file = True self.async_ = True else: wps_response.store_status_file = False LOGGER.debug('Check if updating of status is not required then no need to spawn a process') wps_response = self._execute_process(self.async_, wps_request, wps_response) return wps_response def _set_uuid(self, uuid): """Set uuid and status location path and url """ self.uuid = uuid for inpt in self.inputs: inpt.uuid = uuid for outpt in self.outputs: outpt.uuid = uuid def _setup_status_storage(self): self.status_store = StorageBuilder.buildStorage() @property def status_location(self): return self.status_store.location(self.status_filename) @property def status_filename(self): return str(self.uuid) + '.xml' @property def status_url(self): return self.status_store.url(self.status_filename) def _execute_process(self, async_, wps_request, wps_response): """Uses :module:`pywps.processing` module for sending process to background BUT first, check for maxprocesses configuration value :param async_: run in asynchronous mode :return: wps_response or None """ maxparallel = int(config.get_config_value('server', 'parallelprocesses')) running, stored = dblog.get_process_counts() # async if async_: # run immedietly LOGGER.debug("Running processes: {} of {} allowed parallelprocesses".format(running, maxparallel)) LOGGER.debug("Stored processes: {}".format(stored)) if running < maxparallel or maxparallel == -1: wps_response._update_status(WPS_STATUS.ACCEPTED, u"PyWPS Request accepted", 0) LOGGER.debug("Accepted request {}".format(self.uuid)) self._run_async(wps_request, wps_response) # try to store for later usage else: maxprocesses = int(config.get_config_value('server', 'maxprocesses')) if stored >= maxprocesses: raise ServerBusy('Maximum number of processes in queue reached. Please try later.') LOGGER.debug("Store process in job queue, uuid={}".format(self.uuid)) dblog.store_process(self.uuid, wps_request) wps_response._update_status(WPS_STATUS.ACCEPTED, u'PyWPS Process stored in job queue', 0) # not async else: if running >= maxparallel and maxparallel != -1: raise ServerBusy('Maximum number of parallel running processes reached. Please try later.') wps_response._update_status(WPS_STATUS.ACCEPTED, u"PyWPS Request accepted", 0) wps_response = self._run_process(wps_request, wps_response) return wps_response # This function may not raise exception and must return a valid wps_response # Failure must be reported as wps_response.status = WPS_STATUS.FAILED def _run_async(self, wps_request, wps_response): import pywps.processing process = pywps.processing.Process( process=self, wps_request=wps_request, wps_response=wps_response) LOGGER.debug("Starting process for request: {}".format(self.uuid)) process.start() # This function may not raise exception and must return a valid wps_response # Failure must be reported as wps_response.status = WPS_STATUS.FAILED def _run_process(self, wps_request, wps_response): LOGGER.debug("Started processing request: {}".format(self.uuid)) try: self._set_grass(wps_request) # if required set HOME to the current working directory. if config.get_config_value('server', 'sethomedir') is True: os.environ['HOME'] = self.workdir'Setting HOME to current working directory: {}'.format(os.environ['HOME'])) LOGGER.debug('ProcessID={}, HOME={}'.format(self.uuid, os.environ.get('HOME'))) wps_response._update_status(WPS_STATUS.STARTED, u'PyWPS Process started', 0) self.handler(wps_request, wps_response) # the user must update the wps_response. # Ensure process termination if wps_response.status != WPS_STATUS.SUCCEEDED and wps_response.status != WPS_STATUS.FAILED: # if (not wps_response.status_percentage) or (wps_response.status_percentage != 100): LOGGER.debug('Updating process status to 100% if everything went correctly') wps_response._update_status(WPS_STATUS.SUCCEEDED, 'PyWPS Process {} finished'.format(self.title), 100) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() LOGGER.debug('Retrieving file and line number where exception occurred') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() found = False while not found: # search for the _handler method m_name = exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name if m_name == '_handler': found = True else: if exc_tb.tb_next is not None: exc_tb = exc_tb.tb_next else: # if not found then take the first exc_tb = sys.exc_info()[2] break fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] method_name = exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name # update the process status to display process failed msg = 'Process error: method={}.{}, line={}, msg={}'.format(fname, method_name, exc_tb.tb_lineno, e) LOGGER.error(msg) # In case of a ProcessError use the validated exception message. if isinstance(e, ProcessError): msg = "Process error: {}".format(e) # Only in debug mode we use the log message including the traceback ... elif config.get_config_value("logging", "level") != "DEBUG": # ... otherwise we use a sparse common error message. msg = 'Process failed, please check server error log' wps_response._update_status(WPS_STATUS.FAILED, msg, 100) finally: # The run of the next pending request if finished here, weather or not it successfull self.launch_next_process() return wps_response def launch_next_process(self): """Look at the queue of async process, if the queue is not empty launch the next pending request. """ try: LOGGER.debug("Checking for stored requests") stored_request = dblog.pop_first_stored() if not stored_request: LOGGER.debug("No stored request found") return (uuid, request_json) = (stored_request.uuid, stored_request.request) if not PY2: request_json = request_json.decode('utf-8') LOGGER.debug("Launching the stored request {}".format(str(uuid))) new_wps_request = WPSRequest() new_wps_request.json = json.loads(request_json) process_identifier = new_wps_request.identifier process = self.service.prepare_process_for_execution(process_identifier) process._set_uuid(uuid) process._setup_status_storage() process.async_ = True new_wps_response = ExecuteResponse(new_wps_request, process=process, uuid=uuid) new_wps_response.store_status_file = True process._run_async(new_wps_request, new_wps_response) except Exception as e: LOGGER.exception("Could not run stored process. {}".format(e)) def clean(self): """Clean the process working dir and other temporary files """ if config.get_config_value('server', 'cleantempdir'):"Removing temporary working directory: {}".format(self.workdir)) try: if os.path.isdir(self.workdir): shutil.rmtree(self.workdir) if self._grass_mapset and os.path.isdir(self._grass_mapset):"Removing temporary GRASS GIS mapset: {}".format(self._grass_mapset)) shutil.rmtree(self._grass_mapset) except Exception as err: LOGGER.error('Unable to remove directory: {}'.format(err)) else: LOGGER.warning('Temporary working directory is not removed: {}'.format(self.workdir)) def set_workdir(self, workdir): """Set working dir for all inputs and outputs this is the directory, where all the data are being stored to """ self.workdir = workdir for inpt in self.inputs: inpt.workdir = workdir for outpt in self.outputs: outpt.workdir = workdir def _set_grass(self, wps_request): """Handle given grass_location parameter of the constructor location is either directory name, 'epsg:1234' form or a georeferenced file in the first case, new temporary mapset within the location will be created in the second case, location will be created in self.workdir the mapset should be deleted automatically using self.clean() method """ if self.grass_location: import random import string from grass.script import core as grass from grass.script import setup as gsetup # HOME needs to be set - and that is usually not the case for httpd # server os.environ['HOME'] = self.workdir # GISRC envvariable needs to be set gisrc = open(os.path.join(self.workdir, 'GISRC'), 'w') gisrc.write("GISDBASE: {}\n".format(self.workdir)) gisrc.write("GUI: txt\n") gisrc.close() os.environ['GISRC'] = new_loc_args = dict() mapset_name = 'pywps_ms_{}'.format( ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 5))) if self.grass_location.startswith('complexinput:'): # create new location from a georeferenced file ref_file_parameter = self.grass_location.split(':')[1] ref_file = wps_request.inputs[ref_file_parameter][0].file new_loc_args.update({'filename': ref_file}) elif self.grass_location.lower().startswith('epsg:'): # create new location from epsg code epsg = self.grass_location.lower().replace('epsg:', '') new_loc_args.update({'epsg': epsg}) if new_loc_args: dbase = self.workdir location = str() while os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dbase, location)): location = 'pywps_loc_{}'.format( ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 5))) gsetup.init(os.environ['GISBASE'], dbase, location, 'PERMANENT') grass.create_location(dbase=dbase, location=location, **new_loc_args) LOGGER.debug('GRASS location based on {} created'.format( list(new_loc_args.keys())[0])) grass.run_command('g.mapset', mapset=mapset_name, flags='c', dbase=dbase, location=location, quiet=True) # create temporary mapset within existing location elif os.path.isdir(self.grass_location): from grass.pygrass.gis import make_mapset LOGGER.debug('Temporary mapset will be created') dbase = os.path.dirname(self.grass_location) location = os.path.basename(self.grass_location) grass.run_command('g.gisenv', set="GISDBASE={}".format(dbase)) grass.run_command('g.gisenv', set="LOCATION_NAME=%s" % location) while os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dbase, location, mapset_name)): mapset_name = 'pywps_ms_{}'.format( ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 5))) make_mapset(mapset=mapset_name, location=location, gisdbase=dbase) grass.run_command('g.gisenv', set="MAPSET=%s" % mapset_name) else: raise NoApplicableCode('Location does exists or does not seem ' 'to be in "EPSG:XXXX" form nor is it existing directory: {}'.format(location)) # set _grass_mapset attribute - will be deleted once handler ends self._grass_mapset = mapset_name # final initialization LOGGER.debug('GRASS Mapset set to {}'.format(mapset_name)) LOGGER.debug('GRASS environment initialised') LOGGER.debug('GISRC {}, GISBASE {}, GISDBASE {}, LOCATION {}, MAPSET {}'.format( os.environ.get('GISRC'), os.environ.get('GISBASE'), dbase, location, os.path.basename(mapset_name)))