Source code for pywps.inout.formats

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #

"""List of know mimetypes"""

# List of known complex data formats
# you can use any other, but these are widely known and supported by popular
# software packages
# based on Web Processing Service Best Practices Discussion Paper, OGC 12-029

from collections import namedtuple
import mimetypes

                                 'WCS, WCS100, WCS110, WCS20, WFS, WFS100,'
                                 'WFS110, WFS20, WMS, WMS130, WMS110,'
                                 'WMS100, TEXT, DODS, NETCDF, LAZ, LAS, ZIP,'

[docs]class Format(object): """Input/output format specification Predefined Formats are stored in :class:`pywps.inout.formats.FORMATS` :param str mime_type: mimetype definition :param str schema: xml schema definition :param str encoding: base64 or not :param function validate: function, which will perform validation. e.g. :param number mode: validation mode :param str extension: file extension """ def __init__(self, mime_type, schema=None, encoding=None, validate=None, extension=None): """Constructor """ self._mime_type = None self._encoding = None self._schema = None self._extension = None self.mime_type = mime_type self.encoding = encoding self.schema = schema self.validate = validate self.extension = extension @property def mime_type(self): """Get format mime type :rtype: String """ return self._mime_type @mime_type.setter def mime_type(self, mime_type): """Set format mime type """ try: # support Format('GML') frmt = getattr(FORMATS, mime_type) self._mime_type = frmt.mime_type except AttributeError: # if we don't have this as a shortcut, assume it's a real mime type self._mime_type = mime_type except NameError: # TODO: on init of FORMATS, FORMATS is not available. Clean up code! self._mime_type = mime_type @property def encoding(self): """Get format encoding :rtype: String """ if self._encoding: return self._encoding else: return '' @encoding.setter def encoding(self, encoding): """Set format encoding """ self._encoding = encoding @property def schema(self): """Get format schema :rtype: String """ if self._schema: return self._schema else: return '' @schema.setter def schema(self, schema): """Set format schema """ self._schema = schema @property def extension(self): """Get format extension :rtype: String """ if self._extension: return self._extension else: return '' @extension.setter def extension(self, extension): """Set format extension """ self._extension = extension def same_as(self, frmt): """Check input frmt, if it seems to be the same as self """ if not isinstance(frmt, Format): return False return all([frmt.mime_type == self.mime_type, frmt.encoding == self.encoding, frmt.schema == self.schema]) def __eq__(self, other): return self.same_as(other) @property def json(self): """Get format as json :rtype: dict """ return { 'mime_type': self.mime_type, 'encoding': self.encoding, 'schema': self.schema, 'extension': self.extension } @json.setter def json(self, jsonin): """Set format from json :param jsonin: """ self.mime_type = jsonin['mime_type'] self.encoding = jsonin['encoding'] self.schema = jsonin['schema'] self.extension = jsonin['extension']
FORMATS = _FORMATS( Format('application/vnd.geo+json', extension='.geojson'), Format('application/json', extension='.json'), Format('application/x-zipped-shp', extension='.zip', encoding='base64'), Format('application/gml+xml', extension='.gml'), Format('application/metalink+xml; version=3.0', extension='.metalink', schema="metalink/3.0/metalink.xsd"), Format('application/metalink+xml; version=4.0', extension='.meta4', schema="metalink/4.0/metalink4.xsd"), Format('application/', extension='.kml'), Format('application/', extension='.kmz', encoding='base64'), Format('image/tiff; subtype=geotiff', extension='.tiff', encoding='base64'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=1.0.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=1.1.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=2.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=1.0.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=1.1.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=2.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.3.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.1.0', extension='.xml'), Format('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.0.0', extension='.xml'), Format('text/plain', extension='.txt'), Format('application/x-ogc-dods', extension='.nc'), Format('application/x-netcdf', extension='.nc', encoding='base64'), Format('application/octet-stream', extension='.laz'), Format('application/octet-stream', extension='.las'), Format('application/zip', extension='.zip', encoding='base64'), Format('application/xml', extension='.xml'), ) def _get_mimetypes(): """Add FORMATS to system wide mimetypes """ mimetypes.init() for pywps_format in FORMATS: mimetypes.add_type(pywps_format.mime_type, pywps_format.extension, True) _get_mimetypes() def get_format(frmt, validator=None): """Return Format instance based on given pywps.inout.FORMATS keyword """ # TODO this should be probably removed, it's used only in tests outfrmt = None if frmt in FORMATS._asdict(): outfrmt = FORMATS._asdict()[frmt] outfrmt.validate = validator return outfrmt else: return Format('None', validate=validator)